
You don't need to be a member of the Barley Sheaf Players to help out! The life blood of any non-profit organization is its volunteers and Barley Sheaf is no exception. We count on every member and non-member to keep the gift of theater alive in the community in which we operate.

If you can volunteer an hour to weed, a few hours to help with an attic cleanup, or would like to help with a production, we can use your talents. Please consider helping us keep the theater going for another 50 years by generously donating your time and talents.

To receive emails when volunteer opportunities arise, simply add your name to our mailing list and select the areas where you would like to help. Be sure to select YES where it says "Subscribe?" next to your email address, so that we will be permitted to send you emails. We will also send you a brochure before each season so you know about our upcoming shows. You can change your selections at any time in the future by using this same link.

We appreciate your support, and look forward to seeing you at our theater!